FLYC Guest/Non-member Policy
Guests and other non-members are welcome to attend, but for those events where the club is sponsoring a portion of the meal, there will be a $10 charge for each non-member attending to help cover expenses that are subsidized by membership dues.
Regular/Repeating Events
Post-Mortem Racing Social. After every club race at 1700 on the lawn by the marina flagpole. BYOB/Snack to share. Open to racers and non-racers alike.
NOTE: This is a tentative schedule. Check back for updates! -- Last updated 2/17/2025
01 February Newsletter Publication Date.
15 FLYC Planning Meeting. Meeting of the Board of Directors to plan the 2024 FLYC Event Calendar. All members are welcome.
15 Village Marina Slip Fees Due.
21 Deadline for newsletter articles.
01 April Newsletter Publication Date.
15 Earliest possible launch date (per slip contract).
01 Membership Renewal Deadline.
23 Deadline for newsletter articles.
24 Rust Removal Race. Practice race. (13:00)
25 Memorial Day Flag Raising & Picnic. BBQ chicken with Chef Morse. Bring a side dish or dessert to share and your own beverage. (17:00)
31 Summer Race Series: Race #1. (13:00)
01 June newsletter publication date.
07 FLYC Nautical Swap Meet. (Time TBD)
07 Summer Race Series: Race #2. (13:00)
14 *Watkins Glen Waterfront Festival & Carboard Boat Races.
21 Summer Race Series: Race #3. (13:00)
21 Come As You Are! "Impromptu" member gathering/party after the race. Menu includes specialty hot dogs off the grill and all the trimmings. BYOB, snack, and chair. (17:00)
27 Commodore's Cub Pre-Race Social. Details TBA.
28 FLYC Commodore's Cup Race. This is a "long-distance", destination race. Seneca Yacht Club members have been invited (challenged) to compete with us in a race from the FLYC in Watkins Glen to the SYC in Geneva, NY. Social event to follow at the SYC club house. Skippers' meeting will be at 09:00 with the start as soon as practical thereafter.
28 Commodore's Cup Post-Race Celebration. Held at SYC Club House. Details TBA.
04 *Watkins Glen Independence Day Fireworks. (21:45)
05 Summer Series Race #4. (13:00)
05 Independence Day Picnic. Hot dogs, hamburgers and Italian sausages will be served from the grill. BYOB and a dish to pass. (17:00)
11-15 *Lake Ontario 300 Challenge, Port Credit, Ontario.
12 Summer Series Race #5. (13:00)
12-14 *Italian-American Festival, Watkins Glen.
19 Make-up Race. Make up date for any previous missed races. (13:00)
26 Deadline for newsletter articles.
26 Cock of the Walk Race. A fun race that doesn't count toward season totals. This race features a LeMans start (and finish!) for a new twist to sailboat racing! (13:00)
01 August newsletter publication date.
01-03 ABC/FLYC Cruise to Sampson. Organized by the Finger Lakes Chapter of America's Boating Club, this is a fun-packed weekend cruise to the beautiful facilities at the Sampson State Marina. All FLYC members are invited to to join the ABC-FLX members for this cruise up the lake. This year's event will once again feature live music along with some informative seminars to help you enhance your boating skills.
09 Summer Series Race #6. (13:00)
11-15 *NASCAR at the Glen.
16 Make-up Race. Make up date for any previous missed races. (13:00)
23 Summer Series Race #7. (13:00)
30 Commodore's Dinner. Steak and burgers with Chef Morse. BYOB and a dish to pass. (17:00)
05-07 *Watkins Glen Vintage Gran Prix Weekend.
05-07 FLYC Cruise to Geneva. Cruise to the Seneca Yacht Club for their premier long-distance race.
06 *Seneca Yacht Club Annual Barge Race. This 24-nautical mile race starts and finishes at the SYC facilities in Geneva. All FLYC members are invited to compete in this reverse-handicap race organized by SYC. Social event following the race. Stay tuned for details.
06 Geneva Cruise Social. Held at SYC Club House or at Seneca State Marina Park grounds following the Barge Race. Details TBA.
13 Summer Series Race #8. (13:00)
19 Deadline for newsletter articles.
20 Grape Harvest Race. FLYC's annual reverse-handicap race. (13:00)
27 Make-up Race. Make up date for any previous missed races. (13:00)
01 October newsletter publication date.
02-05 *Annapolis Powerboat Show.
04 Gear-Buster Race. The FLYC racing finale for the 2025 season. (13:00)
04 The Great FLYC Chili & Chocolate Cook-Off. After the Gear-Buster Race, bring your best effort in either of the two categories. Power will be available for crock pots. If you are bringing a side dish, please have it Mexican-themed to support our wonderful chili entries or bring whatever you like to pass around, it's all good! Margherita mix, ice, salt, limes and a BLENDER will be available..., just sayin'! BYOB. (17:00)
09-12 *Annapolis Sailboat Show.
11 Make-up Race. Make up date for any previous missed races. (13:00)
31 Marina Haulout Deadline (per slip contract).
TBA Member Banquet & Annual Meeting. Annual meeting of the club where we celebrate accomplishments, conduct our annual meeting, and elect officers and directors for the next year. (Details TBA)
21 Deadline for newsletter articles.
01 December newsletter publication date.
January 2026
23 Deadline for newsletter articles.
* Non-FLYC events.